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Workshops 2025. If you are interested in participating in one of my workshops, please contact the organizers at the links attached, or contact me directly.
England, May 17-24: hhttps://dedhamhall.co.uk/
Belgium, May 26-27
Italy, Milano, June 5-6, 7-8 contact direct me, please michaljasiewicz@gmail.com
USA, Chicago, June 20-22 https://www.ingridsartoriginals.com/workshop/37657/through-the-light-and-air-michal-jasiewicz
USA, NY, August 11-14: https://www.riversideartworkshops.com/workshops-2025
Poland, October 2-5 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=970872001802399&set=a.515004327389171